Player Choices

By September 2021, we were still working on the user interface. While it’s important to make sure that the interface was properly designed and responsive. The reality is that a lot of mobile games aren’t that good in terms of gameplay, to the point that their ads are CGI cinematic trailers that look nothing their product, it’s blatant false advertising. So I began to worry as we hadn’t spent much time working on the most important part of this game’s development, that being the gameplay itself. The items were created and designed but the inventory feature had yet to be implemented or tested. But on a positive note we had implemented a stats and leveling system giving the player statistical choices similar to an RPG.

Inventory Design

In SAR PVP, the player is awarded experience points and bolt coins when playing matches against other players. The bolt coins allows the player to purchase new items with various stats, while the experience points allows them to progress through player levels. When leveling up to a maximum of 25 levels, points are granted which can then be distributed to to following attributes; STRENGTH – DEXTERITY – CONSTITUTION – LUCK. These attributes impact various gameplay aspects like player hit points, shield points, attack speed, movement speed, critical hit chance and etc. Equipped Items also have additional stats modifiers. Thus this isn’t just a regular 2d combat game where a preset character is selected and thrown into a monotone level. As opposed to depending on overpowered items, the player is able to fully customize their character persistently, while carefully choosing how their stats should be distributed.

Player Stats

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